Wasabee DEX Subgraph
special terms
: a factory is a contract that creates pools, and global variables are stored in the factory entity.whitelisted tokens
: tokens that are manually added to the platform by the hpot team, usually tokens with a large market cap and high liquidity.untracked
: Untracked means that the trade amount is not traded with our platform whitelisted tokens (e.g. Honey, USDC, etc.).
Global Variables
Account Holding Token
Pool Hour Data
Pool Day Data
Pool Week Data
Pool Month Data
vault Shares
vault Deposits
vault Withdraws
vault Approvals
vault Affiliates
vault Hysteresis
vault Collect Fees
Max Total Supply
Vault Ownership Transferred
Vault Rebalance
Vault Set Twap Period
Vault Transfer
Participant Transaction History
Account Holding Token
highlighted usage of queries
pot2pump newly launched
pot2pump near success launch
pot2pump trending launch
user active positions
get pool by token pair
get account vault shares
1. Global Variables
global variables are stored in the factory
factory fields:
(string): the address of the factory.poolCount
(BigInt): the number of pools created by the factory.txCount
(BigInt): the number of transactions executed with hpot products.totalVolumeUSD
(BigDecimal): the total volume of the factory in USD.totalVolumeMatic
(BigDecimal): the total volume of the factory in Matic.totalFeesUSD
(BigDecimal): the total fees gained by the factory in USD.totalFeesMatic
(BigDecimal): the total fees gained by the factory in Matic.untrackedVolumeUSD
(BigDecimal): the untracked volume of the factory in USD.totalValueLockedUSD
(BigDecimal): the total value locked of the factory in USD.totalValueLockedMatic
(BigDecimal): the total value locked of the factory in Matic.accountCount
(BigInt): the number of accounts that have interacted with hpot products.
example query to get global variables:
2. Pool
pool fields:
(string): the address of the pool.token0(token entity): the entity of the first token in the pool.
token1(token entity): the entity of the second token in the pool.
(BigInt): the timestamp of the pool creation.createdAtBlockNumber
(BigInt): the block number of the pool creation.plugin
(string): the address of the plugin of the pool.fee
(int): current fee percentage of the pool.liquidity
(BigDecimal): the liquidity of the pool.token0Price
(BigDecimal): the price of token0 in the pool.token1Price
(BigDecimal): the price of token1 in the pool.tick
(int): current tick of the pool.volumeToken0
(BigDecimal): the total volume of token0 in the pool.volumeToken1
(BigDecimal): the total volume of token1 in the pool.volumeUSD
(BigDecimal): the total volume of the pool in USD.untrackedVolumeUSD
(BigDecimal): the untracked volume of the pool in USD.feesUSD
(BigDecimal): the total fees gained by the pool in USD.tickSpacing
(int): the tick spacing of the pool.untrackedFeesUSD
(BigDecimal): the total untracked fees of the pool in USD.txCount
(BigInt): the number of transactions executed with the pool.collectedFeesToken0
(BigDecimal): the collected fees of token0 in the pool.collectedFeesToken1
(BigDecimal): the collected fees of token1 in the pool.collectedFeesUSD
(BigDecimal): the collected fees of the pool in USD.totalValueLockedToken0
(BigDecimal): the total value locked of token0 in the pool.totalValueLockedToken1
(BigDecimal): the total value locked of token1 in the pool.feesToken0
(BigDecimal): the fees of token0 gained by the pool.feesToken1
(BigDecimal): the fees of token1 gained by the pool.totalValueLockedMatic
(BigDecimal): the total value locked of the pool in Matic.totalValueLockedUSD
(BigDecimal): the total value locked of the pool in USD.totalValueLockedUSDUntracked
(BigDecimal): the total value locked of the pool in USD(untracked).searchString
(string): the search string of the pool, combination of token0 and token1 symbols and pool address in lowercase.aprPercentage
(BigDecimal): the APR percentage of the pool(untracked).liquidityProviderCount
(BigInt): the number of liquidity providers in the pool.vaults(vaults entity): the vaults entity of the pool.
Time range data
:poolHourData( poolHourData entity): the hourly data entities of the pool.
poolDayData(poolDayData entity): the daily data entities of the pool.
poolWeekData(poolWeekData entity): the weekly data entities of the pool.
poolMonthData(poolMonthData entity): the monthly data entities of the pool.
:mints(mints entity): the mints transaction entities of the pool.
burns(burns entity): the burns transaction entities of the pool.
swaps(swaps entity): the swaps transaction entities of the pool.
collects(collects entity): the collects transaction entities of the pool.
ticks(ticks entity): the ticks entities of the pool.
Example query to get detailed pool data:
get pool by token pair query
3. Pool Hour Data
poolHourData fields:
(string): the id of the pool hour dataperiodStartUnix
(BigInt): the timestamp of the pool hour datavolumeToken0
(BigInt): the volume of token0 in the pool hour datavolumeToken1
(BigInt): the volume of token1 in the pool hour datavolumeUSD
(BigInt): the volume of the pool in USD in the pool hour datauntrackedVolumeUSD
(BigInt): the untracked volume of the pool in USD in the pool hour datafeesUSD
(BigInt): the fees of the pool in USD in the pool hour datatxCount
(BigInt): the number of transactions executed with the pool in the pool hour dataaprPercentage
(BigDecimal): average apr of this pool hour datapool(entity): the pool entity of the pool hour data
Example query to get pool hour data:
4. Pool Day Data
poolDayData fields:
(string): the id of the pool day datadate
(BigInt): the timestamp of the pool day datavolumeToken0
(BigInt): the volume of token0 in the pool day datavolumeToken1
(BigInt): the volume of token1 in the pool day datavolumeUSD
(BigInt): the volume of the pool in USD in the pool day datauntrackedVolumeUSD
(BigInt): the untracked volume of the pool in USD in the pool day datafeesUSD
(BigInt): the fees of the pool in USD in the pool day datatxCount
(BigInt): the number of transactions executed with the pool in the pool day dataaprPercentage
(BigDecimal): average apr of this pool day datapool(pool entity): the pool entity of the pool day data
example query to get pool day data:
5. Pool Week Data
poolWeekData fields:
(string): the id of the pool week dataweek
(BigInt): the timestamp of the pool week datavolumeToken0
(BigInt): the volume of token0 in the pool week datavolumeToken1
(BigInt): the volume of token1 in the pool week datavolumeUSD
(BigInt): the volume of the pool in USD in the pool week datauntrackedVolumeUSD
(BigInt): the untracked volume of the pool in USD in the pool week datafeesUSD
(BigInt): the fees of the pool in USD in the pool week datatxCount
(BigInt): the number of transactions executed with the pool in the pool week dataaprPercentage
(BigDecimal): average apr of this pool week datapool(pool entity): the pool entity of the pool week data
example query to get pool week data:
6. Pool Month Data
poolMonthData fields:
(string): the id of the pool month datamonth
(BigInt): the timestamp of the pool month datavolumeToken0
(BigInt): the volume of token0 in the pool month datavolumeToken1
(BigInt): the volume of token1 in the pool month datavolumeUSD
(BigInt): the volume of the pool in USD in the pool month datauntrackedVolumeUSD
(BigInt): the untracked volume of the pool in USD in the pool month datafeesUSD
(BigInt): the fees of the pool in USD in the pool month datatxCount
(BigInt): the number of transactions executed with the pool in the pool month dataaprPercentage
(BigDecimal): average apr of this pool month datapool(pool entity): the pool entity of the pool month data
example query to get pool month data:
7. Mints
mints fields:
(string): the id of the mint transactiontransaction
(transaction entity): the transaction entity of the mint transactiontimestamp
(BigInt): the timestamp of the mint transactionpool(pool entity): the pool entity of the mint transaction
(BigInt): liquidity mintedamount0
(BigDecimal): amount of token0 mintedamount1
(BigDecimal): amount of token1 mintedamountUSD
(BigDecimal): amount of liquidity minted in USDtoken0(token entity): the token0 entity of the pool
token1(token entity): the token1 entity of the pool
(int): the tick lower of the minted positiontickUpper
(int): the tick upper of the minted positionowner
(address): owner of the minted positionorigin
(string): the EOA that initiated the txn
example query to get mints:
8. Burns
burns fields:
(string): the id of the burn transactiontransaction
(transaction entity): the transaction entity of the burn transactiontimestamp
(BigInt): the timestamp of the burn transactionpool(pool entity): the pool entity of the burn transaction
(BigInt): liquidity burnedamount0
(BigDecimal): amount of token0 burnedamount1
(BigDecimal): amount of token1 burnedamountUSD
(BigDecimal): amount of liquidity burned in USDtoken0(token entity): the token0 entity of the pool
token1(token entity): the token1 entity of the pool
(int): the tick lower of the burned positiontickUpper
(int): the tick upper of the burned positionowner
(address): owner of the burned positionorigin
(string): the EOA that initiated the txn
example query to get burns:
9. Swaps
swaps fields:
(string): the id of the swap transactiontransaction
(transaction entity): the transaction entity of the swap transactiontimestamp
(BigInt): the timestamp of the swap transactionpool(pool entity): the pool entity of the swap transaction
(BigDecimal): amount of token0 swappedamount1
(BigDecimal): amount of token1 swappedamountUSD
(BigDecimal): amount of liquidity swapped in USDtoken0(token entity): the token0 entity of the pool
token1(token entity): the token1 entity of the pool
(address): the sender of the swap transactionrecipient
(address): the recipient of the swap transaction
example query to get swaps:
10. Collects
(string): the id of the collect transactiontransaction
(transaction entity): the transaction entity of the collect transactiontimestamp
(BigInt): the timestamp of the collect transactionpool(pool entity): the pool entity of the collect transaction
(BigDecimal): amount of token0 collectedamount1
(BigDecimal): amount of token1 collectedamountUSD
(BigDecimal): amount of liquidity collected in USDtoken0(token entity): the token0 entity of the pool
token1(token entity): the token1 entity of the pool
(int): the tick lower of the collected positiontickUpper
(int): the tick upper of the collected positionowner
(address): owner of the collected position
example query to get collects:
11. Ticks
tick fields:
(string): the id of the tickpoolAddress
(string): the address of the pooltickIdx
(BigInt): the index of the tickpool(pool entity): the pool entity of the tick
(BigInt): the gross liquidity of the tickliquidityNet
(BigInt): the net liquidity of the tickprice0
(BigDecimal): the price of token0 in the tickprice1
(BigDecimal): the price of token1 in the tick
example query to get ticks:
12. Vaults
the entity for vault is ichiVault
, this is developed from by aquabera team
vaults fields:
(string): the address of the vaultsender
(address): the sender of the vaulttokenA
(address): the address of the first token in the vaultallowTokenA
(boolean): whether the first token is allowed to deposittokenB
(address): the address of the second token in the vaultallowTokenB
(boolean): whether the second token is allowed to depositcount
(BigInt): the number of vaults that have been created to date, can be see as index of this vaultholdersCount
(int): the number of holders have hold shares in this vaultpool(pool entity): the pool entity of the vault
(BigDecimal): the total number of shares in the vault, this could be used to calculate token amount and user amountsearchString
(string): the search string of the vault, combination of token0 and token1 symbols and pool address in lowercaseentities
: the entities of the vaultvaultShares(vaultShares entity): the vault shares entity of the vault
vaultDeposits(vaultDeposits entity): the vault deposits entity of the vault
vaultWithdraws(vaultWithdraws entity): the vault withdraws entity of the vault
vaultApprovals(vaultApprovals entity): the vault approvals entity of the vault
vaultAffiliates(vaultAffiliates entity): the vault affiliates entity of the vault
vaultHysteresis(vaultHysteresis entity): the vault hysteresis entity of the vault
vaultCollectFees(vaultCollectFees entity): the vault collect fees entity of the vault
maxTotalSupply(maxTotalSupply entity): the max total supply entity of the vault
vaultOwnershipTransferred(vaultOwnershipTransferred entity): the vault ownership transferred entity of the vault
vaultRebalance(vaultRebalance entity): the vault rebalance entity of the vault
vaultSetTwapPeriod(vaultSetTwapPeriod entity): the vault set twap period entity of the vault
vaultTransfer(vaultTransfer entity): the vault transfer entity of the vault
example query to get vaults:
13. Token
token fields:
(string): the address of the tokensymbol
(string): token symbolname
(string): token namedecimals
(BigInt): token decimalstotalSupply
(BigInt): total supply of the tokenvolume
(BigDecimal): volume in token unitsvolumeUSD
(BigDecimal): volume in derived USDuntrackedVolumeUSD
(BigDecimal): volume in USD even on pools with less reliable USD valuesfeesUSD
(BigDecimal): fees in USDtxCount
(BigInt): transactions across all pools that include this tokenpoolCount
(BigInt): number of pools containing this tokentotalValueLocked
(BigDecimal): liquidity across all pools in token unitstotalValueLockedUSD
(BigDecimal): liquidity across all pools in derived USDtotalValueLockedUSDUntracked
(BigDecimal): TVL derived in USD untrackedderivedMatic
(BigDecimal): derived price in MaticderivedUSD
(BigDecimal): derived price in USDinitialUSD
(BigDecimal): initial price in USDpriceChange24h
(BigDecimal): 24 hour price changepriceChange24hPercentage
(BigDecimal): 24 hour price change percentagewhitelistPools
(pool entity): pools token is in that are white listed for USD pricingmarketCap
(BigDecimal): derived market cap by total supply and derived priceholderCount
(BigInt): number of holders of this tokenentities
:tokenHourData(tokenHourData entity): hourly data for this token
tokenDayData(tokenDayData entity): daily data for this token
holders(holders entity): holders of this token
example query to get token data:
14. Vault Shares
vaultShare fields:
(string): unique identifier for the vault shareuser
(account entity): the account that owns the sharesvault
(vault entity): reference to the vaultvaultShareBalance
(BigDecimal): balance of shares owned by the user
example query to get vault shares:
get account vault shares query
15. Vault Deposits
vaultDeposit fields:
(string): unique identifier for the depositvault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaultsender
(Bytes): address of the transaction signerto
(Bytes): recipient address of the minted LP tokensshares
(BigInt): quantity of LP tokens mintedamount0
(BigInt): amount of token0 depositedamount1
(BigInt): amount of token1 depositedtick
(Int): current price tickcreatedAtTimestamp
(BigInt): timestamp of depositsqrtPrice
(BigInt): square root of price at deposit timetotalAmount0
(BigInt): total token0 in vault after deposittotalAmount1
(BigInt): total token1 in vault after deposittotalAmount0BeforeEvent
(BigInt): total token0 before deposittotalAmount1BeforeEvent
(BigInt): total token1 before deposittotalSupply
(BigInt): total supply of LP tokens
example query to get vault deposits:
16. Vault Withdraws
vaultWithdraw fields:
(string): unique identifier for the withdrawalvault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaultsender
(Bytes): address of the transaction signerto
(Bytes): recipient address of withdrawn tokensshares
(BigInt): quantity of LP tokens burnedamount0
(BigInt): amount of token0 withdrawnamount1
(BigInt): amount of token1 withdrawntick
(Int): current price tickcreatedAtTimestamp
(BigInt): timestamp of withdrawalsqrtPrice
(BigInt): square root of price at withdrawal timetotalAmount0
(BigInt): total token0 in vault after withdrawaltotalAmount1
(BigInt): total token1 in vault after withdrawaltotalAmount0BeforeEvent
(BigInt): total token0 before withdrawaltotalAmount1BeforeEvent
(BigInt): total token1 before withdrawaltotalSupply
(BigInt): total supply of LP tokens
example query to get vault withdrawals:
17. Vault Approvals
vaultApproval fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + log index)vault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaultowner
(Bytes): address of the owner of the spender accountspender
(Bytes): address for which the allowance is being setvalue
(BigInt): the new allowance amount
example query to get vault approvals:
18. Vault Affiliates
vaultAffiliate fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + log index)vault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaultsender
(Bytes): address of the transaction signeraffiliate
(Bytes): address of the new affiliate that will receive trading fee split
example query to get vault affiliates:
19. Vault Hysteresis
vaultHysteresis fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + log index)vault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaultsender
(Bytes): address of the transaction signerhysteresis
(BigInt): new hysteresis threshold in percentage
example query to get vault hysteresis:
20. Vault Collect Fees
vaultCollectFee fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + log index)vault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaultsender
(Bytes): address of the CollectFees transaction signertick
(Int): current price tickcreatedAtTimestamp
(BigInt): timestamp of fee collectionsqrtPrice
(BigInt): square root price at collection timefeeAmount0
(BigInt): collected fee amount of token0feeAmount1
(BigInt): collected fee amount of token1totalAmount0
(BigInt): total token0 in vault after collectiontotalAmount1
(BigInt): total token1 in vault after collectiontotalSupply
(BigInt): total supply of LP tokens
example query to get vault collect fees:
21. Max Total Supply
maxTotalSupply fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + log index)vault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaulttotalSupply
(BigInt): total supply of LP tokens
example query to get max total supply:
22. Vault Ownership Transferred
vaultOwnershipTransferred fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + log index)vault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaultfrom
(Bytes): address of the previous ownerto
(Bytes): address of the new owner
example query to get vault ownership transferred:
23. Vault Rebalance
vaultRebalance fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + log index)vault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaultsender
(Bytes): address of the transaction signeramount0
(BigInt): amount of token0 to be rebalancedamount1
(BigInt): amount of token1 to be rebalanced
example query to get vault rebalance:
24. Vault Set Twap Period
vaultSetTwapPeriod fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + log index)vault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaultsender
(Bytes): address of the transaction signertwapPeriod
(BigInt): new twap period in seconds
example query to get vault set twap period:
25. Vault Transfer
vaultTransfer fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + log index)vault
(IchiVault): reference to the vaultsender
(Bytes): address of the transaction signerto
(Bytes): address of the recipientamount0
(BigInt): amount of token0 to be transferredamount1
(BigInt): amount of token1 to be transferred
example query to get vault transfer:
26. Pot2Pump
pot2Pump fields:
(string): token addresslaunchTokenInitialPrice
(BigDecimal): initial price of the launch tokenlaunchToken
(entity): reference to the token being launchedDepositLaunchToken
(BigInt): amount of launch tokens depositedLaunchTokenTVLUSD
(BigDecimal): total value locked in USD for launch tokenLaunchTokenMCAPUSD
(BigDecimal): market cap in USD for launch tokenraisedTokenMinCap
(BigInt): minimum cap for the raised tokenraisedToken
(entity): reference to the token being raiseddepositRaisedTokenPercentageToMinCap
(BigDecimal): percentage of raised token deposited compared to min capraisedTokenReachingMinCap
(Boolean): whether raised token reached minimum capDepositRaisedToken
(BigInt): amount of raised tokens depositedcreator
(String): address of the creatorparticipantsCount
(BigInt): number of participantstotalRefundAmount
(BigInt): total amount refundedtotalClaimLpAmount
(BigInt): total amount of LP tokens claimedcreatedAt
(BigInt): timestamp of creationendTime
(BigInt): timestamp of end timestate
(BigInt): current state of the Pot2PumpbuyCount
(BigInt): number of buy transactionssellCount
(BigInt): number of sell transactionssearchString
(String): searchable string combining address and token symbols
example query to get pot2pump data:
pot2pump newly launched query:
pot2pump near success query:
pot2pump trending launch query:
27. Participant
participant fields:
(string): unique identifierpot2Pump
(Pot2Pump): reference to the Pot2Pumpaccount
(Account): reference to the participant's accountamount
(BigInt): total deposit amounttotalRefundAmount
(BigInt): total amount refundedtotalclaimLqAmount
(BigInt): total amount of LP claimed (1 means claimed all, 0 means none)claimed
(Boolean): whether participant has claimedrefunded
(Boolean): whether participant has been refundedcreatedAt
(BigInt): timestamp of participationparticipantTransactionHistorys
(entity): history of participant's transactions
example query to get participant data:
28. Participant Transaction History
participantTransactionHistory fields:
(string): unique identifieraccount
(entity): reference to the participant's accountpot2Pump
(entity): reference to the Pot2PumpdepositAmount
(BigInt): amount deposited in transactionrefundAmount
(BigInt): amount refunded in transactionclaimLqAmount
(BigInt): amount of LP claimed in transaction (1 means all, 0 means none)actionType
(TransactionType): type of transactioncreatedAt
(BigInt): timestamp of transactionparticipant
(entity): reference to the participant
example query to get transaction history:
29. Account
account fields:
(string): account addressmemeTokenHoldingCount
(BigInt): number of meme tokens held by this accountholder
(holdingToken entity): list of tokens held by this accountpot2PumpLaunchCount
(BigInt): number of Pot2Pump launches by this accountparticipateCount
(BigInt): number of Pot2Pump participationsparticipant
(entity): list of Pot2Pump participationstransaction
(transaction entity): list of transactions made by this accountplatformTxCount
(BigInt): total number of transactions on the platformswapCount
(BigInt): number of swap transactionsholdingPoolCount
(BigInt): number of pools the account has holdings intotalSpendUSD
(BigDecimal): total amount spent in USDvaultShares
(vaultShare entity): list of vault shares owned by this account
example query to get account data:
30. Holding Token
holdingToken fields:
(string): account address + token addresstoken
(entity): reference to the token being heldaccount
(entity): reference to the account holding the tokenholdingValue
(BigInt): amount of tokens held
example query to get holding token data:
31. Transaction
transaction fields:
(string): transaction hashtype
(entity): reference to the account that made the transactionblockNumber
(BigInt): block number of the transactiontimestamp
(BigInt): timestamp of the transactiongasLimit
(BigInt): gas limit of the transactiongasPrice
(BigInt): gas price of the transactionevents
(Mint entity): list of mint events in this transactionburns
(Burn entity): list of burn events in this transactionswaps
(Swap entity): list of swap events in this transactionflashed
(Flash entity): list of flash events in this transactioncollects
(Collect entity): list of collect events in this transactiondepositRaisedTokens
(DepositRaisedToken entity): list of deposit raised token eventsrefunds
(Refund entity): list of refund eventsclaimLps
(ClaimLp entity): list of claim LP events
example query to get transaction data:
32. Flash
flash fields:
(string): transaction hash + indextransaction
(transaction entity): reference to the transactiontimestamp
(BigInt): timestamp of the flash eventpool
(Pool): reference to the poolsender
(Bytes): address of the senderrecipient
(Bytes): address of the recipientamount0
(BigDecimal): amount of token0 flashedamount1
(BigDecimal): amount of token1 flashedamountUSD
(BigDecimal): total amount in USDamount0Paid
(BigDecimal): amount of token0 paid for flashamount1Paid
(BigDecimal): amount of token1 paid for flashlogIndex
(BigInt): index in the transaction
example query to get flash data:
33. Refund
refund fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + index)transaction
(entity): reference to the transactiontimestamp
(BigInt): timestamp of the refundamount
(BigInt): amount being refundedorigin
(Bytes): the EOA that initiated the transactionlogIndex
(BigInt): index in the transactionpoolAddress
(Bytes): address of the pool where refund occurred
example query to get refund data:
34. ClaimLp
claimLp fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + index)transaction
(entity): reference to the transactiontimestamp
(BigInt): timestamp of the LP claimamount
(BigInt): amount of LP tokens claimedorigin
(Bytes): the EOA that initiated the transactionlogIndex
(BigInt): index in the transactionpoolAddress
(Bytes): address of the pool where LP was claimed
example query to get claim LP data:
35. Deposit Raised Token
depositRaisedToken fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + index)transaction
(entity): reference to the transactiontimestamp
(BigInt): timestamp of the deposit raised token eventamount
(BigInt): amount of tokens depositedlogIndex
(BigInt): index in the transactionpoolAddress
(Bytes): address of the pool where deposit occurred
example query to get deposit raised token data:
36. positions
position fields:
(string): unique identifier (transaction hash + index)owner
(Bytes): address of the ownerpool
(pool entity): reference to the pooltoken0
(token entity): reference to the token0token1
(token entity): reference to the token1liquidity
(BigInt): liquidity of the positiondepositedToken0
(BigInt): amount of token0 depositeddepositedToken1
(BigInt): amount of token1 depositedwithdrawnToken0
(BigInt): amount of token0 withdrawnwithdrawnToken1
(BigInt): amount of token1 withdrawn
example query to get position data:
user active positions query
Last updated